
Showing posts from June 12, 2005

Well it was successfull

The upgrade was successfull. Doom 3 now runs like a dream, and my heat worries were unfounded. Now the fun part of loading all of my programs back onto my comp after the fresh install of Windows XP.

Something to discuss amongst yourselves while I sleep.

In this day and age, does this quote have any meaning: "Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by That here, obedient to their laws, we lie" -Simonides of Ceos
tired, but my new video card comes today!
Yeah Annie, you’re probably right. The trouble is getting time to do it. Oh well, learn as I go I guess. By the way, I noticed looking through the template of my Blog, that there is a font called “Trebuchet.” Nice, a font named after medieval siege weaponry. Any way off to bed.
At three fifteen in the morning, cinnamon and brown sugar pop tarts are the food of the gods.
Well, it’s upgrade time again for the home machine. My new video card, EVGA 6800gt, should be here tomorrow. What had originally turned out to be just a video card swap out has turned into a major production. First I found that the reason my first 6800gt was not working was due to the fact that my 300-watt power supply was just not strong enough to handle the card, and in the process of installation I fried the card, wonderful. Luckily, the manufacturer of the card allowed me to send it to them for a replacement. In the meantime I have swapped out my power supply for a 480-watt power supply, which will definitely give me enough juice to run the card. The next issue I will have to deal with is heat. The new video card, and power supply will generate much more heat than I was dealing with previously. Currently I have two case fans, one intake and one exhaust, which do a pretty good job of moving air through the case, thus cooling CPU and motherboard. My plan for improving the ...
Still more house keeping. I really should learn more HTML so I can edit this thing more thoroughly .
More changes. this place looks much more spiffy than it did way back in aught three...
Well, time to dust this thing off. I have been very busy with work, school, and hey, I just plain forgot to update this thing. Well I’m back, and it’s good to be here.