going to be one hell of a friday
Was just told in my Greek art and archeology class that the midterm will be pushed back to Friday. Well, good, except that I already have a midterm on Friday ten minutes after my Greek art and Archeology class is complete. This is just lovely, really I mean it. I swear by the time Friday evening comes round I will be drooling mess, ugh so not looking forward to it. At least Crisy has promised me a nice dinner on Friday night. On the good news I am doing well in both of the classes that I have midterms in, and more importantly,I think, I understand the material, so all in all things should go well. So once the midterms are over, Saturday I will start my big research paper for my Intro to the study of history course. The rough Draft is due 4/2 however they only want about five pages double-space. So all in all I am busy busy.