An update
Well, I guess I need to brush this thing off and actually use it. It’s good writing practice, which I need especially now. First I have some good news to share. I am officially a Grad Student at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, where I am seeking my Master of Arts in Historical studies. My first semester started last week, and I am having a blast. I already can tell how much more intense the work load is going to be as compared to Undergraduate studies. First there are the readings from what I have seen I will be reading at least five to six hundred pages a week, not counting research. Then there is the writing by my conservative estimate I will be writing approximately 5 to six pages a week, and that is not including assigned research papers and presentations. Plus, I am only going part time! Here’s the thing though. I am looking forward to this work. I see what’s being asked and why. It is not make work in the slightest, we are w...