March Storms
I really did not intend for this blog to become a mental health blog. I guess the journey I am on is digging up so much, that I need to get what’s in my head out. This blog, I think, is perfect for that. It’s funny, living with depression, you can feel a down period coming on. It rolls in, at least for me, like a storm. Not one of the flashy summer thunderstorms, that is full of fury then gone in an instant. It’s more like a cold March rain. You know, when it’s to warm to be snow, but the combined cold and damp chill you to the bone, no matter how many layers of clothing you are wearing. Just generally ugly grey days that all you want to do is curl up under a blanket. That is where I am at right now. I just want to curl up under a blanket. Nothing seems worthwhile, and I am struggling to prioritize anything. Nothing really matters, not even me. However, I know that, like all storms, this will pass and life will go on. It’s funny, I thou...