What to do?
am using this blog as it was meant to be I suppose, to get my thoughts written
down. One of the things I am questioning, is a pull back from social media, and
the culture wars being fought on it. The reason being, is that I am almost
pathologically conflict averse, and the online fights send my anxiety levels
through the roof. I already have anxiety and depression issues as it is, and I
do not need anything to exacerbate them.
This aversion to conflict I have
does not play well with current political and online discourse on social media.
It appears to me that invective and insult rule the day over compromise and
nuance. Yes, I know that there are still articles that discuss things in a
rational manner, but the comment sections are cesspools. I know I should stay
out of comment sections, but human nature being what it is I cannot help my
self. I go in, find that the section is a
seething cauldron of rage, and walk back out.
All of this leaves me anxious and depressed.
I think overall I wish that people
would realize that there is a person reading the words that are written. I
guess it’s easy to be a jerk when you do not have to look the other person in
the eye. At the end, I think on social media, I will look at cute pictures of