I should be working but.....

I’ve been mulling over the Trump video all day, and I have to say I am disgusted, but not really surprised. If you paid attention to his comments with regards to Megyn Kelly at the beginning of the campaign, and his subsequent statements and actions told the world exactly what kind of person he was. ( I would have called him slime, but that’s an insult to slime-molds and other lichen that actually serve a useful purpose.)

The real question in my mind is how someone like that came to be nominated in the first place.  While I think people are quite correct in calling out the racism and sexism of his supporters,.I feel they are attacking the symptoms, and not the disease itself, which is to my mind income inequality. Which is only going to get worse, especially with the advent of the automation revolution. Which if it comes to pass will automate entire career fields out of existence from truck drivers to copy editors.

From what I have read about Trump’s supporters, a very large majority are the white working class and working poor. Whom 35 years ago was able to support a family with a factory job, and a highschool diploma. Those days and jobs are now gone, and they’re never coming back.  Also from what I can tell this bloc of voters feels abandoned by their government and they might have a point. It seems to me that the Oligarchy in charge benefits from the poor fighting amongst themselves.


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